A credit card that costs you less to use
Omaha Douglas Federal Credit Union members are eligible to apply for the ODFCU VISA Credit Card. VISA is the most widely-accepted credit card in the world, welcome at millions of locations.
Get cash advances with your ODFCU VISA at the credit union and many other financial institutions.
Begin saving right away! Transfer balances from your higher-interest credit cards to the ODFCU VISA.
- Fixed 10.9% APR*
- No annual fee
- 25-day grace period
- No transaction fees for purchases or cash advances
Once you have your ODFCU VISA Credit Card, get online access to your account at ezcardinfo.com. Here, you can see your current balance, make payments and get other account information.
Apply today for your ODFCU VISA Credit Card!
*Your APR may increase if your account is more than 60 days past due.
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